This is a really small perlemoen shell which makes it ideal for earrings. These have a stud with butterflies.
Product – Small perlemoen stud and butterfly earrings (pair)
Code – 101Est
Price – R 990
Material – cast perlemoen plus stud and butterfly made of solid sterling silver.
Sizes – about 1.7cm length
Perlemoen shells of this size, in a perfect condition with all the wavy surface ridges unworn, and none of the holes damaged, are seldom found. Starfish often attack the live perlemoen and drill a tiny hole through the top of their shells, and literally suck the perlemoen body out of the shell. Some have been the victim of shifting beach sand which builds up on a part of the reef where they are living, and suffocates them, or forces them to the surface where they are eaten by birds.
Since this shell has good structural strength, we managed to cast all the detail both on the inside and outside of these perfect little silver shells.
Enjoy this pair 😊
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